Friday, January 29, 2010

Serious Single Vehicle Accident Kills Three in Prince George's County

In April 2009, there was a horrible accident that occurred in Laurel, Maryland, which claimed the lives of three people and injured a fourth. The single vehicle accident occurred near Muirkirk Road in Prince George's County, Maryland. The driver of the vehicle lost control of the vehicle struck a utility pole and fire hydrant.

In the event that a driver of a vehicle may be at fault for the accident, that fact does not prevent a passenger from pursuing a claim when bodily injuries are involved, or in this case a tragic death. A passenger, or the family of a passenger, may pursue a claim against the driver's insurance policy. Death benefit coverage can be paid in the event a death should occur as the result of an accident. This benefit generally ranges from $1,000.00 to $5,000.00. In addition to death benefits, it is possible to also pursue personal injury protection benefits, which could aid a family in medical expenses and/or funeral costs. It is important to review the terms of your policy to verify whether or not your policy has such a benefit.

If you, a family member, or someone you know has been killed or injured in a motor vehicle accident or you would like more information on car accidents please contact Portner & Shure for a free consultation.

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