Friday, February 19, 2010

Car Accident Linked to Cell Phone Use

It has been confirmed that talking on a cellular phone while driving can be a major distraction. Teenagers and less experienced drivers are at an even greater risk for causing an accident. The law in Maryland is that drivers younger than 18 with a provisional drivers license or learner's permit are prohibited from using any cell phone while driving. Texting was previously banned in Maryland for all drivers.

Recently a 17-year-old driver caused a serious car accident while talking on his cell phone. The teenager was merging onto Interstate 70 in Frederick County, Maryland when he allegedly rear-ended another vehicle. The responding officer noted that the teenager did not realize that there was highway construction in the area that had caused the traffic to slow down. The driver of the rear-ended vehicle was flown to Washington County Hospital while the teen only sustained minor injuries. The juvenile was charged with negligent driving.

If you, a family member, or someone you know has been involved in an automobile accident or if you would like more information on car accidents, please contact Portner & Shure for a free consultation.

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