Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What's All This PIP About?

                In Maryland it is mandatory for all drivers to carry car insurance by a state recognized provider. In order to protect yourself and others, it is required that your policy covers a minimum of 15K for property damage, 30K for bodily injuries, and at least 60K for the coverage of two or more individuals. While one is forming an insurance plan, Maryland offers something called PIP, this stands for personal injury protection. Now what exactly does PIP do? Personal injury protection covers medical bills for any injuries you may have obtained during an accident. Coverage includes other expenses you’ve had to endure in wake of your injuries, and wages that have been lost. There are benefits to having PIP for such a low cost.

The policy plan has also been referred to as “no fault insurance”, meaning it does not matter who caused the accident, in order to receive compensation. Additionally, PIP holders have the potential to recover twice for their damages.  In cases where the other driver is at fault, you are able to recover wages and medical expenses from both their insurance company, along with your own insurance carrier. If you were interested in adding PIP to your plan, Maryland has a minimum requirement amount of 2.5K. Adding PIP to your plan is generally only a few extra dollars a month. However, it is wildly beneficial to invest a little extra into your PIP package; the more you invest, the more you receive.

If you or a family member have been injured or killed in a Maryland car, truck, or motorcycle accident and would like to consult an experienced personal injury attorney for free, contact our office at (301) 854-9000 to schedule an appointment at one of our office locations in Ocean City or throughout Maryland or visit us online at http://www.portnerandshure.com/Personal-Injury/

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