When you face criminal charges, or when there is an investigation of possible criminal charges against you, finding an experienced criminal defense attorney is the key to helping you receive the outcome you deserve. The attorneys at Portner & Shure have been leaders in the area of criminal defense for over 20 years and have the results to prove it.
Many are well-versed in their Miranda rights and know that if a defendant cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided free of charge. A public defender, while great for those who are truly unable to hire a criminal defense attorney, should be seen as a last resort for most clients. Public defenders usually meet their clients for the first time minutes before trial and brief themselves on the facts of the case moments before representing their clients. While some public defenders are truly great attorneys, the type of attorney you receive will be nothing short of a gamble with the greatest price at stake - your liberty and freedom.
In order to be eligible for the services of the Office of the Public Defender, there are six factors that must be considered under Article 27A§7 of the Annotated Code of Maryland: (1) The nature, extent, and liquidity of assets; (2) The disposable net income of the defendant; (3) The nature of the offense; (4) The effort and skill required to gather pertinent information; (5) The length and complexity of the proceedings; and (6) Any other foreseeable expenses.
Within the Code of Maryland Regulations, Section 14.06.03, are income guidelines for eligibility. The Regulations state that the maximum net annual income level for persons accepted for representation in District Court cases, violation of probation, and contempt of proceedings may not exceed 100 percent of the current official federal poverty income guidelines. All other cases may not exceed 110 percent of the current official federal poverty income guidelines. The guidelines can be found in §673(2) of OBRA-1981 (42 U.S.C. §9902(2)).
Many clients often call our office looking for information on how they can represent themselves in court. Criminal charges can be very serious and you, as the defendant, may not even fully understand the repercussions you are facing. Because of this, it is strongly advised that you do not attempt to represent yourself in a criminal case. This is especially true for many of our clients who speak English as a second language or those who only speak Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or Vietnamese. Even clients who speak perfect English do not fully understand "legalese," or language that is so filled with legal jargon that anyone who is unfamiliar with it is left puzzled by the words before them.
The criminal defense department at Portner & Shure houses some of the best criminal defense attorneys in the area. In fact, our criminal defense attorneys have been recognized by The National Top 100 Trial Lawyers. Not only this, but our clients speak for themselves in our countless glowing reviews.
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